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Insurance company

Insurance company

Revamping a customer portal for an insurance company, a client of Wunderdog

Customer portal design

I worked as a consultant designer for an insurance company, which needed design for their customer portal for users to view and manage their own information such as insurance contracts and bills. I worked as the only designer in a team of developers and product owner, that was supported by quality assurance and technical leads. We worked in an agile way, using scrum as tool to manage the work.

The customer portal had underwent partial redesign, but many major pages and functionalities were not yet designed. The goals of the redesign were to focus on improving accessibility, reduce customer service contacts, and enhance mobile-friendliness. The goals were something that I kept in mind through the whole design process.

Collaborating with a service designer and project manager, I initiated the redesign with the Bills-page. We benchmarked similar services, and I crafted the initial design draft, which was used to gather feedback through usability interviews run by the service designer. I iterated the design based on the feedback. After that, I extended the redesign to the Own insurances-page and used the same method of looping design and user feedback. The process was continued with other pages such as Messages and Offers.

The customer was happy with the redesigned pages and continues to develop the portal. Insurance is a complex industry, so the design process was very iterative and flexible to ensure that the portal fulfilled not only the user needs but also the business and juristic.

Design System

Creating a Design System was a part of the customer portal project. It was to be started within the project, but with the goal of using it in other future projects. I was tasked to design the Design System, based on Material UI. The components were based on MUI, but customised. I selected styles and components from MUI and designed them to fit our goals: accessibility, brand, mobile-friendliness. I worked together with a developer from the team to have an aligning library for developers in Storybook, as well as for designers in Figma. I held bi-weekly info meetings for stakeholders to keep them in the loop and for them to easily comment and discuss the work. In the end, the selected styles and components were customised for two different brands: internal and customer facing. The Design System was used in a customer portal and it can be used in all future products.

Front page and other design

Due to gaining the trust of the company, I also designed other features for the client, such as purchase pipelines for new insurance types and redesigning their front page. Designing the front page was a joint effort that I did with marketing, getting the initial thoughts from them and iterating the design with feedback from developers also. With close collaboration, I designed the page effortlessly and it was developed shortly after. The client was very happy with all of the designs, since in my experience, having many iterative discussions with stakeholders lead to great outcomes.


2022 - 2023


UI&UX designer


Figma, Miro


Scrum, User Interviews, Iteration, Design System

Mobile views of insurance company customer portal pages, such as Insurances and Bills
Woman scrolling insurance company front page

© Designed and developed by Hanna Jurvelin 2024

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